Read Stephen Arroyo's Cosmic DNA

Stephen Arroyo
Stephen Arroyo
12:00 pm
Kansas City, Missouri
39N6 95W25 (-5 GMT)
Libra (12)  
Aquarius (20)  
Libra (28) / Scorpio
Scorpio (24) / Sagittarius
Scorpio (8) / Libra
Scorpio (2) / Libra
Leo (7) / Cancer
Gemini (21)  
Libra (8) / Virgo
Leo (13)  

Birthchart Info

Stephen Arroyo
12:00 pm
Kansas City, Missouri
39N6 95W25 (-5 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Libra (12)  
Aquarius (20)  
Libra (28) / Scorpio
Scorpio (24) / Sagittarius
Scorpio (8) / Libra
Scorpio (2) / Libra
Leo (7) / Cancer
Gemini (21)  
Libra (8) / Virgo
Leo (13)  

Intro And Some Highlights
Section: Intro And Some Highlights / Report: Mind Mercury

How You Learn

Mercury / Libra

Mercury in Libra produces diplomatic and peaceful communication. Their refined speech helps them avoid conflicts and win arguments through persuasion. Decision-making can be a slow process, leading to indecisiveness. Visual cues and a tranquil environment aid their learning process.

How You Learn

Mercury / Scorpio

Highly perceptive and intuitive, Mercury's influence in Scorpio results in deep listening without revealing much. They're always learning, and providing all available information appeals to their investigative nature. Their speech is often blunt and sarcastic, showcasing profound perception.

How You Think On Your Feet

Mercury / Libra

Individuals with Mercury in Libra seek balance in life and tend to focus on pleasing aspects, often ignoring societal issues. They can be indecisive and superficial thinkers, but would excel at running an art gallery full of beautiful creations.

How You Think On Your Feet

Mercury / Scorpio

Mercury in Scorpio creates deep thinkers with intense focus, making them exceptional researchers. Be mindful of Scorpio's potential manipulation and control tendencies.

How Your Mind Thinks

Mercury / Libra

The Harmonious Intellect. Mercury, in harmony with Libra, bequeaths a well-balanced mind imbued with a profound appreciation for art, music, and eloquent expression. These individuals possess a rare ability to captivate as public speakers and occasionally as singers. However, when afflicted, Mercury in Libra warns of potential trouble through legal disputes arising from partnerships and an unfaithful spouse.

How Your Mind Thinks

Mercury / Scorpio

The Piercing Intellect. In Scorpio's realm, Mercury imparts a shrewd intellect, an insatiable thirst for knowledge, and a razor-sharp tongue laden with biting sarcasm. Bold and headstrong, these individuals prove challenging to get along with, yet their resourcefulness and dauntlessness allow them to overcome obstacles that would crush others. Attracted to the occult like a needle to a magnet, their skepticism and cynicism often lead to opposing viewpoints and perpetual disappointment. However, their tenacity and unwavering determination make them resilient in the face of adversity.

Your Concentration, Communication, and Reasoning Skills

Mercury / Libra

A harmonious equilibrium is sought with Mercury in Libra. They traverse the intellectual world with a sense of diplomacy and balance that is hard to match. They crave a level playing field where every mind gets a fair chance. The existence of a mental synergy forms the bedrock of their relationships. Their constant strive for intellectualism in their relationships might at times lead to missed emotional nuances.

Their pursuit of perfection often leads them to a critique of everything around them, but they do so with a delicacy that is hard to fault. They seek to find a middle ground that satisfies all parties involved. Their discomfort with polarizing opinions makes them more inclined towards the middle ground. This trait makes them excellent as counselors or mediators. However, this desire to see all perspectives can lead to indecisiveness and missed opportunities.

Their ability to think in abstract terms allows them to maintain objectivity. Their intellect is subtly embedded within them and they refrain from flaunting it. They dread conflict and strive to keep everyone content, even at the expense of their sanity.

Networking comes naturally to them but a tendency towards mental lethargy can often prevent them from nurturing these connections. They often look for external opinions when decision-making and occasionally play devil's advocate. Rationality and balance are the cornerstones of their personality. They prefer quiet discussions over arguments.

Despite their friendly and open-minded nature, they stand their ground when it comes to their principles. Rapidly changing situations unsettle them as they need time to adapt. They thoroughly analyze a situation before reaching a decision.

Appreciation for arts and literature runs deep in them, and they value culture greatly. If not artists themselves, they support and promote others in their artistic endeavours. They tend to shy away from the darker aspects of life, which may make them seem superficial.

They light up social gatherings with their charm and easy-going nature. Their eloquent speech often makes them a captivating speaker or performer. Learning to embrace disagreements can make their life considerably easier. They have a knack for writing and synthesizing ideas. In general, they collaborate well with almost everyone.

Your Concentration, Communication, and Reasoning Skills

Mercury / Scorpio

With Mercury in Scorpio, there's a relentless pursuit of the truth. They excel at delving into the depths of matters where others hesitate. Their perceptiveness rivals that of a surveillance camera, with the ability to detect even the most hidden motives. They view superficiality with disdain and their skepticism may often seem negative to others.

Their communication is fueled by an intense passion. They are eager to assist others by sharing the insights they've gained, albeit about others rather than themselves. Their observational prowess often leads them to notice what others miss.

Strategy is the name of the game for Mercury in Scorpio. Their instinctive intelligence drives them, but their well-meant criticism can sometimes be misconstrued as negativity. Winning an argument against them can be a Herculean task, owing to their intellectual competitiveness.

Their loyalty is unfaltering and they would go to great lengths to defend those they care about. Their motivational skills are commendable. They excel at keeping secrets and uncovering those of others, making them natural detectives, investigators, and researchers. They are intrigued by mysteries, science, and anything that challenges their intellect. They love to unravel the inner workings of people's minds.

Their directness can sometimes be interpreted as a lack of tact, and their words can cut deep. They are determined and tenacious, unwilling to let go until they are satisfied. Their emotionally charged approach can sometimes cloud their objectivity.

They often try to evade topics that they find uninteresting, a trait that can be problematic especially in an educational setting.

Mercury in Scorpio has an uncanny understanding of human nature. Their perceptions can be puzzling to others. They possess an intensity that's hard to ignore, often causing polarizing reactions from people. Despite their interest in the secrets of others, they tend to avoid introspection, perhaps using their interest in others as a way to indirectly confront their own inner demons.

Your Decision-Making Style and Way of Absorbing Information

Mercury / Libra

The art of communication unfolds gracefully in the realm of Libra, where diplomatic overtures and pleasing discourse reign supreme. These individuals possess an innate inclination toward cultivating harmony, investing considerable effort into fostering diplomacy. The attainment of intellectual parity stands as a paramount aspiration within their relationships, seeking an interplay of minds that resonates profoundly. If this objective eludes them?often the case?introspection becomes a necessary path to explore. Instead of fixating on intellectual one-upmanship, they must cultivate the art of genuine listening, embracing their partner's perspectives authentically.

Mercury in Libra individuals embark on a quest for equilibrium, perpetually seeking the middle ground amidst the intellectual landscape. Extremes of opinion prove disconcerting, triggering an innate discomfort within them. This predisposition makes them exceptional mediators and counselors, but also introduces an undercurrent of indecision into their personal lives. In their unwavering pursuit of the finest, fairest, and most just course, they may vacillate between pros and cons, seemingly incapable of settling upon a definitive position. The resultant quandary may render even the most sincere compliments tinged with a subtle caveat. Complimenting others inherently requires drawing conclusions and forming opinions, which presents a paradox to Libra's charming nature. Given sufficient time to ruminate, they often struggle to arrive at an unequivocally positive or negative assessment.

Their abstract thinking abilities endow them with a measure of objectivity, perpetually comparing and contrasting their surroundings. Relative thinking dominates their thought processes, laying the foundation for their refined tastes and aesthetic discernment.

Mercury in Libra individuals excel at forging connections with others. However, they must navigate the shadow of their inherent tendency toward mental laziness. This proclivity can impede follow-through and maintenance of established connections.

As protagonists of harmony, Mercury in Libra loathes being perceived as the antagonistic figure and often embarks on a quest to appease everyone. Seeking external opinions to aid decision-making is common, yet the maddening aspect manifests when they seemingly switch sides once provided an answer. In the face of a choice between two restaurants, for instance, they are likely to discover newfound merits in the initially dismissed option. These individuals frequently adopt the role of the devil's advocate, engaging in intellectual debates even without personal conviction. Intermittent introspection can serve as a grounding practice, reconnecting them with their authentic feelings amidst the labyrinth of arguments and attempts to rectify perceived biases in others' beliefs and actions.

Favorite expressions: "On the other hand..."; "But then again..."

Your Decision-Making Style and Way of Absorbing Information

Mercury / Scorpio

These people possess an insatiable thirst to uncover the deepest essence of every matter they encounter. This relentless pursuit of understanding manifests in their thoughts and permeates nearly every conversation they engage in. Fearlessly venturing into uncharted depths that most shy away from, those with Mercury in Scorpio possess a unique ability to discern the origins and underlying truths of any problem or issue. With the keen observational skills akin to surveillance cameras, they seem to effortlessly perceive and comprehend all. Their inclination to delve into the shadows, seeking the truth beneath the surface, can sometimes cast a "dark" aura. Their disdain for superficiality is palpable, often frustrating the more optimistic souls in their midst.

Communicating with a Scorpio is an experience brimming with passion, occasionally veering into the realm of a captivating lecture. However, it's important to recognize their genuine desire to offer valuable advice and assistance. While they may share their astute observations about others, they tend to remain guarded about revealing personal information. Truth be told, they possess a wealth of insights that many have yet to glean. So, if their perspective leans toward the pessimistic, try not to dismiss it outright. You may find that their counsel holds invaluable wisdom. Their discerning judgment shines brightest when it pertains to matters detached from their own personal involvement, as their objectivity tends to cloud when emotions are at play.

Their intellect operates on an intuitive level, and they excel in strategic thinking. However, what they view as constructive criticism may come across as destructive to some, depending on the recipient. Engaging in an argument or debate with a Mercury in Scorpio individual can prove to be an uphill battle, as their relentless drive to emerge victorious overrides all else. Moreover, it's hard to deny their remarkably lucid presentation of thoughts, even if it leaves you clenching your teeth in frustration.

They fiercely defend and support those they hold dear, infusing their words with an energetic intensity that can be truly motivating. After being on the receiving end of their impassioned speeches, one might find themselves exclaiming "whew!" Yet, it's worth noting that this motivation often comes at the expense of others, as they might unwittingly tear someone apart to bolster your spirits.

When it comes to assessing people, Scorpios tend to scrutinize their motivations. They often perceive jealousy as a driving force behind others' actions, drawing from their own experiences as Scorpio Sun or Venus Scorpio individuals. Naturally suspicious, they instinctively anticipate ill intentions from others. Intrigue, mystery, and hidden motives hold an irresistible allure for Mercury in Scorpio folks. Failing to channel this fascination into intellectual pursuits, they might create their own enigmatic scenarios, leading others to question their sanity.

Mercury in Scorpio individuals relish anything that challenges their intellect, particularly the intricate mechanisms that drive human behavior.

Your Intelligence, and How You Talk To Others

Mercury / Libra

When Mercury graces the realm of Libra, a captivating charm and a sense of deliberation infuse the mental landscape. Communication takes on a refined and enchanting quality, while the opinions of others gain significant importance. This Mercury placement can manifest with a touch of trivia, as the art of communication becomes more charming and eloquent. Individuals with Mercury in Libra may possess a smooth-talking ability, captivating their audience with witty repartee and enchanting conversation. However, in the absence of a strong guiding solar force, this enchantment can veer into dangerous territory, leading them to bend the truth or, in extreme cases, resort to pathological lying. The gift of balance graces this Mercury, enabling them to skillfully harmonize their own thoughts and opinions with the perspectives of others. A desire to hear various viewpoints and engage in stimulating discussions becomes an innate quality. Their sociable and open character thrives on the exchange of knowledge and ideas, creating an intellectual tapestry that weaves together diverse perspectives.

Your Intelligence, and How You Talk To Others

Mercury / Scorpio

In the enigmatic realm of Scorpio, Mercury emerges as a force of intellectual intensity, depth, and resourcefulness. This placement bestows individuals with an active, witty, and perceptive mind, capable of unearthing profound insights into the essence of people and events. Directness becomes a defining characteristic, as thoughts flow forth without mincing words, leaving no room for ambiguity. The Scorpio-Mercury mind possesses an innate ability to navigate the realms of mystery, peering beneath the surface to uncover the stark truth. Intuition intertwines with intellect, empowering them with a heightened perception that borders on the supernatural. However, within the depths of this mental labyrinth, the overwhelming power of emotional desires occasionally challenges their rational thinking. Matters of sexuality hold a prominent position in their mental landscape, while a profound fascination with the occult arts often weaves its way into their intellectual pursuits. Occupations that require investigative acumen, research, psychotherapy, psychiatry, police work, or detective skills align harmoniously with this mercurial placement.

Your Minds Pros and Cons

Mercury / Libra

In the harmonious embrace of Libra, Mercury bestows upon individuals a broad and well-balanced mind. An ardent love for art and music is kindled within their souls, while their expressive abilities reach uncommon heights. Public speaking becomes a platform for their success, and at times, their melodious voices grace the realm of song. However, when Mercury in Libra faces afflictions, legal troubles cast a shadow upon partnerships, and unfaithfulness taints the sacred bond of marriage.

Your Minds Pros and Cons

Mercury / Scorpio

Enveloped in the enigmatic realm of Scorpio, Mercury imparts a shrewd intellect, an insatiable thirst for knowledge, and a sharp tongue laden with biting sarcasm. The disposition of these individuals is characterized by boldness, stubbornness, and an obstinacy that renders them difficult to appease. Yet, in the face of adversity, they exhibit unparalleled resourcefulness, fearlessly overcoming obstacles that would otherwise crush the faint-hearted. Drawn to the occult like a needle to a magnet, their inquisitive nature propels them towards hidden truths. However, afflictions upon Mercury in Scorpio leave them susceptible to disappointment, quarrelsomeness, skepticism, and a perpetual contrariness that sets them apart from their peers.

Your Perception and Mindset in Communication

Mercury / Libra

Step into the celestial realm of Libra, where the graceful dance between Mercury and the harmonious scales of justice sets the stage for refined and elegant communication. Within this cosmic fusion lies a deep-seated desire for fairness and an innate gift for diplomacy. Their words carry the weight of balance, seeking to bridge the gaps between opposing viewpoints and foster understanding among disparate parties.

In the realm of relationships, Libra's natural domain, they navigate the intricate web of human connections with finesse. Their communication style exudes courtesy and good manners, reflecting their commitment to uphold their ideals of social grace. Coarse or vulgar speech is anathema to them, and they strive to express themselves in a manner befitting the refined sensibilities of their souls.

The connection between Venus, Libra's ruler, and the arts infuses their words with a touch of artistic enchantment. Many possess a natural talent for creative expression or an inherent appreciation for beauty in all its forms. Their courteous demeanor extends to their interactions with others, as they seek to avoid any breaches of decorum. However, their quest for fairness can sometimes lead to indecisiveness, caught in the delicate balance of considering multiple perspectives.

Within the depths of their celestial dance lies the potential for transformation, as the scales of justice hold the power to bring about harmony and equilibrium. They must harness their diplomatic skills and strive to strike a balance between their own needs and the desires of others, transcending the challenges that arise from their innate sense of justice.

Your Perception and Mindset in Communication

Mercury / Scorpio

Enter the enigmatic realm of Scorpio, where the celestial fusion between Mercury and the transformative energies of Pluto sets the stage for a profound exploration of the depths of the human psyche. Within this cosmic dance lies a penetrating mind, one that yearns to unearth the hidden truths that lie beneath the surface. Their mental faculties possess an insatiable curiosity, a relentless desire to delve into the mysteries that others dare not confront.

Communication becomes an art form for those with Mercury in Scorpio, where every word carries an air of intensity and an unwavering commitment to authenticity. They rarely mince words, preferring to cut through superficiality and delve straight into the heart of the matter. Ruthlessly honest, their communication style may leave others feeling exposed and vulnerable. Their unwavering determination propels them forward, circumventing any obstacles that stand in their way.

Scorpio's association with the unconscious lends them a gift for intuition, a sixth sense that guides their journey. However, they must remain vigilant, for the turbulent emotions of Scorpio can cloud their objectivity, particularly when personal involvement comes into play. Power, both personal and psychological, is a force that beckons them, and they may find themselves drawn to positions where they can expose the weaknesses of others.

In the depths of their celestial dance, shadows can emerge if they succumb to the darker aspects of Scorpio. Vindictiveness, ruthlessness, and even violence may manifest in extreme cases. To fully embrace the transformative power of this placement, they must tread carefully, using their penetrating insights to shed light rather than to manipulate or harm others.

Your Thinking Style

Mercury / Libra

Able to speak eloquently, with a gift for harmonizing ideas and points of view. A mind attracted to high ideals and refined expressions of life.

Quality and Element: Cardinal and Air


eloquent speaker, charming, peacemaker, diplomacy, soothing voice, sympathetic, mingler, flirty, harmonizer

Possible Challenges:

mental laziness, indecisiveness, people-pleasing, avoiding conflict, procrastination, over-intellectualizing

Famous People with Mercury in Libra:
Hilary Duff, Nico, Stephen King, Susan Sarandon, Evan Rachel Wood, Leonard Cohen, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Clive Owen, David Copperfield, Jeremy Irons, Will Smith, Gwyneth Paltrow, Christopher Reeve, k.d. lang, Carrie Fisher, Richard Gere, Marc Anthony

The Libra Mentality:

Those with Mercury in Libra have the ability to see an issue from all sides. This is where their reputation for diplomacy comes from. Sometimes they're elevated to the status of official peacemaker, known to be able to bring harmony to chaos. Because they often have an innate sense of fairness, it's easier for conflicting parties to trust their intentions.

This same gift of seeing all the options and sides can make them indecisive, which can be exasperating to those around them. The delay comes from wanting to weigh the pros and cons carefully, to follow the best course. But if they take too long to decide, sometimes an opportunity passes them by.

They're very easy-going and the best people to meet at parties. They're warm and able to offset any social awkwardness with their charm. You might call Mercury in Libra the smooth operator of Mercury signs. Oftentimes their voices are distinctive in some way, which gives them talent as speakers or performers.

Mercury in Libras love harmony so much, that at times they'll run around conflict to avoid it. This can create all kinds of neuroses and confusing relations with others. It comes from an actual fear of the boat being rocked, since that state makes them very uncomfortable. A challenge is learning that it's okay to disagree, and that a lot of friction can be tolerated in a relationship when there's a basic respect.

Mercury in Libra are synthesizers and bridge builders, whether its merging people or ideas, as with writers born under this Mercury sign. As an air sign, there's a clarity of thought that allows them to be the big picture people. And being cardinal, the initiative is there to actively assert their ideas into the world. They may restore balance in every area of life they touch -- from their own personal sphere, to the public stage through activism, social justice, the Arts, writing, speaking, etc.

Your Thinking Style

Mercury / Scorpio

Mercury in Scorpio endows individuals with a diving mind, capable of delving into the core depths of a vision. They are often drawn to taboo subjects and mysteries, with many aspects of their own psyche marked as "private."

Possible Challenges:

However, they may grapple with paranoia, cynicism, negativity, and sarcasm. Their intensity can sometimes lead to combative tendencies, and they may become obsessive or dismissive.

Notables with Mercury in Scorpio:
Jodie Foster, Sinead O'Connor, Pablo Picasso, Martin Scorcese, and Sylvia Plath are among the notable figures sharing this placement. Others include John Lennon, Deepak Chopra, Julia Roberts, Joni Mitchell, Demi Moore, Jesse Jackson, Whoopi Goldberg, Walt Disney, and John Cleese.

The Scorpio Mentality:

Individuals with Mercury in Scorpio possess a searching mind that delves deep into the realms of knowledge. They perceive information through a maze of channels, often picking up on everything, including the unsaid. Their insights carry depth, cutting to the heart of any matter. They carefully churn over their thoughts before offering a perspective.

As a water sign, they are highly attuned to emotional vibes and have a keen ability to detect lies. Their radar for detecting what's amiss often leads them to become obsessed with other people's character flaws. Skilled investigators, they thrive on solving mysteries. Their talent for dissecting human motivation also makes them gifted artists, often drawn to the darker aspects of life as their creative subject matter. Mercury in Scorpio comprehends psychic states that push boundaries, where the only way out is through the darkness, emerging into the light.

They possess an almost psychic intuition, allowing them to make leaps of logic that involve their intuition. Tuned into subtle dynamics, they find it natural to embrace metaphysical topics and alternative paths. In Scorpio, Mercury signifies total transformation, leading individuals to undergo profound shifts in their mindset throughout their lives. They have a profound impact on others through their depth of wisdom.

When faced with challenges, this Mercury placement instinctively strives to gain the upper hand in conversations. They have a tendency to use poisonous barbs as a defensive measure, cutting down others with their words. Their formidable nature allows them to poke holes in their adversaries' arguments.

However, Mercury in Scorpio individuals may have a blind spot when it comes to themselves. They often resist delving as deeply into their own psyche as they do with others. Their curiosity about the dark side may reflect a lifelong quest to fully face their own inner depths.

Your Thoughts and Expressions Are Shaped This Way

Mercury / Libra

In the realm of Libra, Mercury constructs a harmonious mind, one that exudes balance, rationality, and a judicial temperament. Conflict aversion replaces the love for arguments, as you prefer discussions and cooperative reasoning. Your expression is polished, bestowing upon you an air of diplomacy that permeates your interactions. Human relations and psychology captivate your curiosity, igniting a profound interest in understanding the inner workings of individuals. Your easygoing nature and genuine interest make you an engaging conversationalist, embodying honesty in your responses.

However, beneath the surface, there lies a stern resolve when it comes to matters of principle. Justice and equilibrium pulse through your veins, shaping your worldview. Crude or uncouth manners prompt your withdrawal, as you distance yourself from those who fail to meet your standards of decorum.

Adaptability to rapidly changing situations proves challenging, for you meticulously study issues before committing yourself. Expediency and decisiveness demand concentrated effort. Yet, you possess an unwavering commitment to presenting both sides of any issue. Decisions between equally compelling options may pose a considerable dilemma.

Your Thoughts and Expressions Are Shaped This Way

Mercury / Scorpio

In Scorpio's mysterious realm, Mercury forges a mind shrouded in secrecy, perpetually inquisitive and probing. Your method of expression is bold, occasionally intolerant, skeptical, and suspicious. Like a master detective, you delve into the heart of any matter, wasting no time or effort in your pursuit of truth. Your intuition runs deep, enabling profound insights that penetrate the veils of complexity.

You excel in the art of keeping secrets, wielding an unparalleled ability to unearth hidden truths and unravel the intricacies of complex issues. This placement endows you with the skills of a detective, investigator, or researcher. Your insatiable curiosity propels you to seek out the enigmas of life itself, adept at perceiving unseen strengths and weaknesses in those you encounter. Secrets beckon you, drawing you into a realm where hidden truths lie dormant.

Your words can cut like a razor, delivered with incisive precision. Mincing words or sugarcoating truths has no place in your lexicon. You either speak your mind unfiltered or maintain a stoic silence.

Stubbornness permeates your mental landscape, fostering unwavering determination and unyielding tenacity. Intellectual adaptability may falter, as your highly emotional approach tends to breed prejudice and single-mindedness.

Your Way of Expressing and Adapting

Mercury / Libra

As Mercury dons its diplomatic robes in Libra, the mind becomes a master of rationality, forever seeking balance and harmony amidst the cosmic chaos. Your thoughts take the form of a beautifully woven tapestry of reasoned arguments and well-crafted persuasion. Just like lawyers and diplomats, you gracefully weigh the scales of justice, seeking fairness and proportion in every situation. Literature and the arts beckon to you, offering solace and inspiration as you navigate the intricate intricacies of your own intellectual universe.

Your Way of Expressing and Adapting

Mercury / Scorpio

Dive headfirst into the enigmatic depths of Mercury in Scorpio, where the mind becomes an unyielding detective, peering into the shadows and uncovering the secrets that lie within. Your thoughts possess a shrewd and resourceful nature, fearlessly delving into the darkest recesses of the human psyche. Intuition and psychic undercurrents guide your mental endeavors, as you explore the realms of motivation, mysticism, and the tantalizing mysteries that whisper from the shadows. With a touch of wit and sarcasm, you embark on a journey of self-discovery that leaves no stone unturned.

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