Read Wayne Gretzky's Cosmic DNA

Wayne Gretzky
Wayne Gretzky
12:00 pm
Brantford, Canada
43N8 80W16 (-4 GMT)
Aquarius (6) / Capricorn
Gemini (10)  
Aquarius (20)  
Pisces (23) / Aries
Cancer (0) / Gemini
Capricorn (20)  
Capricorn (22) / Aquarius
Leo (24) / Virgo
Scorpio (11)  
Virgo (7) / Leo

Birthchart Info

Wayne Gretzky
12:00 pm
Brantford, Canada
43N8 80W16 (-4 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Aquarius (6) / Capricorn
Gemini (10)  
Aquarius (20)  
Pisces (23) / Aries
Cancer (0) / Gemini
Capricorn (20)  
Capricorn (22) / Aquarius
Leo (24) / Virgo
Scorpio (11)  
Virgo (7) / Leo

How You Relate
Section: How You Relate / Report: Relationship Romance Sun Venus

Relationships, alwaysastrology

Venus / Pisces

The Dreamy Charmer. Pisces Venus is a charming and dreamy individual. They possess a soft-hearted nature and have a knack for flirting in an enchanting manner. Playful yet slightly moody, they exude a sense of romanticism that captivates those around them. Their love knows no bounds and they value unconditional love above all else. They are attracted to the depths of a person's soul rather than superficial attributes. They often find themselves drawn to individuals who require help or are immersed in situations that demand a touch of martyrdom. However, committing to a relationship can be a challenge for them, even when they yearn for a deep connection.

Individuals with Venus in Pisces have a genuine appreciation for romance and tenderness. While they may not always be reliable or practical, their intentions stem from a desire to avoid causing any harm or hurt. Understanding their sensitive nature can require patience, as they themselves may struggle to fully comprehend their own emotions. They possess a certain fascination with the idea of being misunderstood.

Pisces Venus individuals are compassionate and highly sensitive. They possess a keen sense of humor in matters of love, but they often experience fluctuating moods. They are particularly sensitive to harshness and abrasive personalities. They prefer to avoid confrontations or displays of intense emotions in public. Striking a balance between freedom and commitment is essential for them. They appreciate partners who offer them a sense of space and independence. However, they also have a deep longing for clear and definitive demonstrations of love and affection, as they often feel alone or disappointed without them. They are cautious about expressing their own feelings and can be hesitant to let their guard down. Learning to protect themselves emotionally is important for Venus in Pisces individuals.

In friendship, they are empathetic and deeply caring. Pisces Venus individuals go out of their way to support their friends and are thoughtful listeners who can easily empathize with any situation. However, they may become emotionally drained if they surround themselves with individuals who constantly rely on their emotional support. Striking a balance between helping others and maintaining their own emotional well-being is crucial.

Venus in Pisces individuals often excel in creative fields that explore paranormal themes, such as past lives, dreams, or the occult. Their ability to tap into the emotions of others effortlessly makes them natural actors. They possess a mystical quality that attracts others, and their enigmatic nature stems from their ability to guard their privacy while exuding a sense of calm and dignity.

For those seeking to win the affection of Venus in Pisces, initiating the first move is essential. They appreciate affectionate and demonstrative displays of love, while sensitivity and gentleness are highly valued. Building a deep emotional connection and demonstrating a willingness to understand their unique perspective are key to winning their heart.

Relationships, alwaysastrology

Venus / Aries

The Flirtatious Trailblazer. In the realm of love, Aries Venus exudes daring confidence. They don't play coy or hope for subtle glances; instead, they captivate with tales of their achievements. Their self-centered nature, though endearing to the right person, is sometimes reminiscent of an innocent yet spoiled child. Passionate, impulsive, and intense—these words embody the essence of Aries Venus.

Romantically, those with Venus in Aries infuse a childlike wonder into their relationships. They thrive on active and energetic pursuits and despise vagueness or enigmatic interactions. The chase and conquest exhilarate them, and to maintain their interest, you must continually bring novelty and freshness. Honesty and openness are crucial; they dislike mind games unless they add an element of fun. Spontaneity fuels their fire, and they prefer playfulness over seriousness. Leading the way comes naturally to them, so be prepared to follow their lead, at least most of the time. They will compete fiercely for someone's affection and can turn irritable or moody upon losing.

Aries Venus falls swiftly and succumbs to impulsive attractions. Boredom strikes easily, causing interest to fade as quickly as it emerged. They are immensely affectionate and unafraid to stand up for themselves when hurt. However, their exuberance may overwhelm those of a more reserved disposition. Aries Venus craves a touch of tension in relationships to keep the flame of excitement alive—mental stimulation ignites their interest.

Within friendships, Aries Venus naturally assumes the alpha role. They exude generosity, excitement, and unwavering confidence. Fearlessly pushing boundaries, they derive pleasure from exploring uncharted territories. Direct and honest, they detest self-pity and insecurity. Admired for their independence, confidence, and vibrant energy, those born with Venus in Aries live life to the fullest, turning their dreams into tangible realities.

To extinguish the flame of an Aries Venus, delve into mind-reading or overanalyze the relationship. Such deep introspection clashes with their preference for an active and dynamic lifestyle. Rather than engaging in heartfelt discussions about the relationship's trajectory, they would choose a lively argument any day.

If a Venus in Aries individual cultivates patience and tolerance, they will realize that not everyone becomes dull after ten minutes. Investing effort into a relationship can yield long-term satisfaction for both partners. Drama need not reach the level of Mount Vesuvius; even smaller doses of excitement can add interest. By pausing and truly identifying their desires, Aries Venus can navigate relationships with greater ease.

Relationships, lifetips

Venus / Pisces

Venus in Pisces portrays individuals with a dreamy, idealistic approach to love, often sacrificing their well-being for romance. They are kind-hearted but must avoid becoming emotionally over-attached in relationships. Their homes are adorned with imaginative and mystical elements. They invest time and thought in choosing the perfect gift, and should they decide to marry, it will be in a breathtakingly romantic setting.

Relationships, lifetips

Venus / Aries

Individuals with Venus in Aries exhibit a spontaneous and bold approach to love. They may pursue affection actively, impatiently seeking romance and sometimes finding themselves entangled in complicated situations. Achieving a balanced relationship can be possible through adopting sharing and consideration of others' needs, inspired by Aries' opposite sign, Libra.

Relationships, trans4mind

Venus / Pisces

Venus (to harmonise) in Pisces (Impressionable and Inspirational)

Impressionable Elegance and Inspirational Love. Your capacity for refinement and tenderness in love knows no bounds, as Venus finds its exaltation in Pisces. You possess a genuine desire to help and uplift individuals who are going through challenging times. Music holds a special place in your heart, and you may even have musical talents yourself. Through the power of music, you transcend the material realm, seeking spiritual transcendence and deeper connections with the world around you.

Relationships, trans4mind

Venus / Aries

Venus (to harmonise) in Aries (energetic and urgent).

Igniting Passion and Urgency. When it comes to matters of fashion and beauty, you thrive on being a trailblazer, always seeking to be at the forefront. Your energetic and urgent nature drives you to pursue new and exciting forms of entertainment. Your approach to pleasure is direct and sometimes even bold, which can make you come across as too forward in romantic endeavors. Falling in love at first sight and experiencing whirlwind romances are not uncommon for you. The cardinal influence of Aries fuels your passionate pursuits.

Your Comfort Zone in Love & Relationships, Affection You Are Receptive To, To Woo You, Turn-offs, And Preferred Emotional-Physical Distance

Venus / Pisces

Venus in Water individuals, including those with Venus in Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, are highly receptive to emotional expressions of affection. While they may be cautious about forming new social connections, once they are in committed relationships, they are deeply nurturing and caring towards their loved ones. They prioritize exchanges of feelings over verbal expressions of love, considering the latter to be superficial. Venus in Water people strive to "become one" with their partners and have a keen ability to understand their deeper needs and desires. However, they can be challenging to understand due to their sensitive nature and tendency to brood or become silent when unhappy. Loyalty is of utmost importance to them, and they may struggle with the idea of sharing their partners. Some individuals, particularly those with Venus in Air or Venus in Fire, may feel threatened by their nonverbal communication style, while others may find them too indirect or roundabout.

Venus in Pisces people present themselves as dreamy and soft-hearted partners. They possess an elusive charm, displaying playfulness, moodiness, and occasional irregularity. Romance and poetry hold great significance for them, and they prefer to navigate their relationships based on intuition rather than extensive planning. They have a sensitive nature that extends not only to their partners but also to humanity as a whole, which can be perplexing for their lovers.

Venus in Pisces men and women want their partners to know that their love is unconditional. They are unimpressed by societal status and accept and love their partners for who they truly are. They are drawn to individuals who may be struggling or in need of assistance, as their romantic worldview inclines them towards acts of saving or being saved. Unlike Venus in Libra, which values equality, Venus in Pisces can be intrigued by inequality. They can be enigmatic and challenging to pin down as they navigate their relationships based on feelings rather than logic. While commitment may pose a challenge, many Venus in Pisces individuals do commit, at least superficially.

To please Venus in Pisces, it is important to enjoy tender and romantic moments with them. It is essential to understand that they may occasionally stretch the truth to protect their partners from potential heartache. Their apparent lack of direction in the relationship should be tolerated, as their receptive and open nature makes it challenging for them to commit to one thing, idea, or person. These captivating partners reward their loved ones with a love that is accepting and comes close to unconditional.

Famous Personalities with Venus in Pisces: Drew Barrymore (Sun and Venus in Pisces), Nick Carter, Shannen Doherty, George Harrison, Lucy Lawless, Moliere (Moon, Venus, and Mars in Pisces), Michelle Pfeiffer (both Venus and Mars in Pisces), Tom Selleck, John Travolta, Vincent Van Gogh (Venus and Mars in Pisces)

Your Comfort Zone in Love & Relationships, Affection You Are Receptive To, To Woo You, Turn-offs, And Preferred Emotional-Physical Distance

Venus / Aries

Venus in Fire individuals, whether in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, possess a remarkable blend of idealism and self-centeredness when it comes to romance. With their unpretentious nature, they may unintentionally overlook their partners' dreams and desires, adhering strictly to their own love scripts. Disappointment looms if their partners deviate from these prescribed roles. While they perceive themselves as warm and passionate beings, convincing them of their self-centered tendencies proves challenging. Venus in Fire souls constantly crave rejuvenation in their relationships, a relentless quest that can exhaust partners seeking a smoother ride. At their most challenging, these individuals resemble energy-draining vampires, demanding constant attention and feeding off their loved ones' vitality. Should their partners relish the drama, all is well. However, those unaccustomed to such fervor may initially find Venus in Fire natives exhilarating but ultimately draining. These individuals express their love with straightforwardness and candor, expecting the same in return. Spontaneity, laughter, and grand gestures serve as their aphrodisiacs, while attention and passion fuel their existence. Even those with more subdued Sun Signs, like Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, rely on their relationships for vitality. Critics argue they treat their partners as mere extensions of themselves.

Venus in Aries initiates courtship through upfront and audacious flirtation. They seek to captivate you with their enterprising and independent nature. Although their love style can be frustratingly self-centered, the right person finds it endearing. Venus in Aries radiates an irresistible charm, even in moments of immaturity and impatience.

In love, both Venus in Aries men and women exhibit a playful, childlike demeanor. They find stimulation in energy and activity while recoiling from stifling or overly "mature" relationships. Conquests fuel their passion, continuously infusing freshness and novelty into their love lives.

To please Venus in Aries, stoke their need for action. Be direct, honest, and unafraid of game-playing or evasiveness unless it's purely for fun. Nurture their craving for spontaneity and cherish their playful nature. Understand their desire for eternal youthfulness in relationships. Aries individuals, natural leaders in love, enjoy taking the reins, even if their Sun Sign leans towards gentle Pisces. Indulge their whims and comprehend their affinity for competition, even when it involves competing with you.

Famous Personalities with Venus in Aries: Jennifer Aniston, Mariah Carey (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aries), George Clooney, Matt Dillon, Robert Downey Jr. (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aries), Melissa Etheridge, Sarah Michelle Gellar (Sun and Venus in Aries), Ashley Judd (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aries), Marilyn Monroe, Sarah Jessica Parker (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aries), Rihanna (Moon and Venus in Aries), Rob Thomas, Rene Zellweger

Your Romantic Needs, Powers of Attraction, and Expression of Love

Venus / Pisces

Surrendering to Love's Boundless Depths: Immerse yourself in the ethereal realm of Pisces, where love transcends the confines of the physical and surrenders to the boundless depths of the heart and soul. Your compassionate and forgiving nature draws others to your embrace, as you see the inherent beauty in all souls you encounter. Yet, your sensitivity renders you vulnerable to being taken advantage of, blurring the line between love and illusion. Dreams and enchantment intermingle in your romantic journey, as you seek a partner who understands and respects your imaginative spirit. Within the realm of Venus in Pisces, true romance thrives, unveiling a love that knows no boundaries and evokes the most profound depths of the human experience.

Your Romantic Needs, Powers of Attraction, and Expression of Love

Venus / Aries

The Fiery Torrent of Passion Ignites: Step into the realm of Aries, where the pulsating currents of passion surge through the veins of the cosmos. Like a tempestuous flame, your heart burns with an insatiable yearning for fervor and desire. In matters of love, your directness and boldness create an irresistible allure, drawing others into the vortex of your charm. You are the catalyst of passion, the relentless pursuer who thrives in the exhilarating dance of seduction. Let the fires of your Venus in Aries guide you on a journey where passion reigns supreme, and the pursuit of love becomes an intoxicating adventure.

Romancing You

Sun / Aquarius

Aquarius Romance
Unleashing Quirky and Unconventional Love. Sociable Aquarius rules the House of Friends, often leading to courtships that blossom within group settings. However, once the Water Bearer sets its sights on an individual, an offbeat and whimsical romance ensues. Mental acrobatics are only a part of the equation, as Aquarians possess an innate talent for creative and imaginative play. A trip to a children's museum with the intention of improving the exhibits becomes an alluring and seductive adventure in the hands of the Water Bearer. A partner who appreciates Aquarius's idiosyncrasies becomes their most compatible match. While Aquarians may harbor secrets, a loving companion who gently coaxes them out will partake in a never-ending dance of romance.

Romancing You

Sun / Capricorn

Capricorn Romance
Balancing Tradition and Romance. The traditional, reserved, and cautious Sea Goat takes its time to assess the stakes in the game of love. Capricorns know precisely what they desire and diligently strive to attain it. These individuals exude an air of elegance, understanding that sweetness and charm are far more effective than vinegar. Focused on appearances, Capricorn effortlessly attracts a visually appealing partner, basking in the flush of love's embrace. This wise sign delights in combining practicality with romance, creating a delightful fusion where work and play intertwine. While embarking on this journey with the Sea Goat can be demanding, it is undeniably filled with joy and excitement.

How You Could Have Romantic Revenge Exacted on you If You Break Up Badly

Sun / Aquarius

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
As a tech-savvy and forward-thinking sign, your revenge takes on a unique and innovative twist. Harness your affinity for all things digital and use technology to your advantage. If you have access to your ex's social media accounts (with their consent), playfully modify their profile picture or make them join pages of things they despise. Use your creativity to subtly disrupt their online presence without causing any harm or permanent damage. Additionally, if you have access to their devices, consider making unexpected changes, such as rearranging their playlists or setting an embarrassing ringtone. Embrace your mischievous nature while still maintaining a sense of respect and well-being for your ex.

How You Could Have Romantic Revenge Exacted on you If You Break Up Badly

Sun / Capricorn

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
As a practical and strategic sign, you approach breakups with a level-headed mindset. While you may not be one to seek revenge impulsively, you have a knack for making calculated moves that leave a lasting impact. Tap into the power of your sign's strategic savvy and use the opportunity to have a final conversation with your ex. Suggest meeting up to discuss the possibility of maintaining a friendship. Choose a four-star restaurant as the setting for your meeting, and indulge in a memorable dining experience. While engaging in a seemingly friendly conversation, subtly reveal your true intentions by excusing yourself to make a phone call, and then make a discreet exit. Your ex will be left pondering the message you've conveyed through your actions.

Your Taste In Romantic Movies

Sun / Aquarius

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Love encompasses community, friends, and family for you. My Big Fat Greek Wedding, a comedy following the journey of a woman introducing her non-Greek fianc? to her eccentric family, promises great fun. You're also likely to savor Benny and Joon, a quirky and unconventional love story starring Johnny Depp and Mary Stuart Masterson.

Your Taste In Romantic Movies

Sun / Capricorn

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Embracing love can be a challenge for you, which is why you can relate to movies like Shadowlands, revealing Anthony Hopkins learning to let go and embrace his marriage. Something's Gotta Give, featuring Capricorn Diane Keaton and jack Nicholson's transformation in their later years, is another heartwarming and amusing tale.

Intimacy Issues You Could Have

Sun / Aquarius

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Aquarians may prioritize logic over feelings, leading to a reputation for stoicism. To foster intimacy, venture into the realm of emotions and recognize the importance of exploring your heart alongside your mind.

Intimacy Issues You Could Have

Sun / Capricorn

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
As a Capricorn, you may struggle to express emotions and reveal vulnerabilities. Practice lowering your defenses and allowing others to care for you. Once you embrace your vulnerability, you will find that true intimacy is within your reach.

How You Do Long Distance Relationships to Keep Love Alive

Sun / Aquarius

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
The distance between you and your partner may allow you some healthy independence, safeguarding your individuality. However, be cautious not to create emotional distance, maintaining open communication and emotional vulnerability even across the miles.

How You Do Long Distance Relationships to Keep Love Alive

Sun / Capricorn

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Tap into your nostalgia by planning events centered around cherished shared memories. Revisit romantic locations to reinvigorate your love and create photo albums or scrapbooks that you can both enjoy as a reminder of the love you share, regardless of distance.

Influencing You In A Relationship

Sun / Aquarius

Navigating the Realm of Individuality. In the realm of influence, an Aquarius individual often finds their mind drifting fifty years into the future. Encourage their return to the present moment when you catch them lost in thought. Their vast social circles encompass individuals from all walks of life, and they value open-mindedness and graciousness when encountering their diverse friends. They possess a highly mystical and spiritual nature, fueled by a desire for analytical exploration. Brace yourself for radical theories and seemingly impossible concepts, and be a receptive audience to their musings. Engage in conversation and don't hesitate to ask questions, as they appreciate intellectual stimulation. They keep their private thoughts and emotions hidden to maintain a detached exterior, ensuring their emotions don't interfere with their rational thinking. Express your feelings directly, as they may even love you deeply but struggle to express it. They are hesitant to forge binding emotional ties, so act as a supportive friend without placing demands for exclusivity. When they feel safe to commit to you, recognizing that you respect their independence, they will open themselves up fully. As eternal optimists, they won't rest until they lift you out of any emotional slump. Analyzing everything, they gradually piece together information about you, so allow them to discover who you are bit by bit. Embrace the allure of mystery, captivating them with the enigma that surrounds you.

Influencing You In A Relationship

Sun / Capricorn

The Essence of Stability. In the realm of influence, a Capricorn individual thrives on methodical approaches, routines, and organization. Showcase your own adeptness at managing your life's activities, as they appreciate a well-scheduled existence. Conventional, practical, and efficient, they are drawn to partners who exemplify these qualities. Highlight your financial acumen and resourcefulness, demonstrating your ability to manage your finances and resources effectively. Family and foundation hold great significance for them, so show an interest in their family tree and involve them in your own familial bonds. Believing that actions speak louder than words, they may require gentle coaxing to express their love verbally. Strike a balance between being attainable yet slightly elusive, igniting their pursuit. Some Capricorns, despite their competence, lack self-confidence. Become their cheerleader, offering unwavering support and encouragement to uplift their spirits.

Your Relationship Donts

Sun / Aquarius


Here are a few things to keep in mind when interacting with an Aquarius:
1. Avoid becoming a clingy, emotionally dependent burden. Aquarius individuals appreciate their independence and prefer partners who can hold their own ground. Show your strength and self-reliance, allowing them the freedom they cherish.
2. Respect their privacy. Aquarius values trust and will share their thoughts and feelings when they are ready. Trying to pry into their private world may only create tension. Give them the space they need and allow them to open up in their own time.
3. Guard against abusing their trust. Aquarius grants you freedom, but don't take advantage of it. If you betray their trust, be prepared for increased scrutiny in the future. Maintain honesty and integrity to foster a healthy and lasting connection.
4. Embrace their futuristic ideas. Aquarius is often ahead of their time, envisioning innovative concepts and possibilities. Avoid mocking or ridiculing their forward-thinking mindset, as it could be seen as a lack of evolution on your part. Instead, engage in open-minded discussions and appreciate their unique perspective.


Aquarius tends to have harmonious relationships with Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, and fellow Aquarius individuals. These signs align well with their intellectual curiosity, adventurous spirit, and open-mindedness.
On the other hand, clashes may arise with Aries, Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer, and Virgo. These signs may have differing values, communication styles, or approaches to life, leading to potential conflicts.

Leo, Libra, and Pisces fall into the neutral category. Interactions with these signs can vary depending on individual personalities and other factors. It's important to remember that astrology provides a general framework, but personal compatibility depends on numerous factors unique to each relationship.

By keeping these insights in mind, you can navigate your interactions with Aquarius individuals more effectively, fostering understanding and mutual respect.

Your Relationship Donts

Sun / Capricorn


Here are a few things to avoid:
1. Skip the flattery; it won't impress them. Capricorns appreciate sincerity and genuine actions over empty compliments.
2. Don't expect them to rush into a relationship or marriage. Capricorns prioritize establishing their career or business before committing to a serious partnership.
3. Avoid being erratic or unpredictable. Capricorns value self-control and reserve, so it's best to demonstrate stability and reliability.
4. Don't anticipate them embracing a new and radical lifestyle. Capricorns tend to be more traditional and conventional in their approach.

Compatible signs for Capricorn:

Capricorn tends to have a harmonious connection with Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces. These signs often align with Capricorn's values, goals, and approach to life, fostering a strong and lasting bond.

Signs that may clash with Capricorn: Capricorn may find it challenging to establish smooth dynamics with Gemini, Leo, Libra, Aquarius, and Aries. These signs possess different energies and preferences, potentially leading to conflicts and misunderstandings.

Neutral signs: Cancer, Sagittarius, and Capricorn itself fall into the neutral category. The compatibility between Capricorn and these signs may vary depending on individual characteristics and the willingness to work on the relationship.

Remember, astrology can offer insights, but individual experiences may vary. These guidelines are not definitive, but rather provide a general understanding of Capricorn's compatibility with other signs.

Your Relationship Needs

Sun / Aquarius

What Aquarius Needs In a Relationship
Aquarians often believe that their way is the best way, so it's no surprise that they'd be interested in a lover who mirrors many of their own good qualities. Social interactions and the ability to dazzle the masses for a good cause are near and dear to the Water Bearer's heart, and a helpmate in these areas is their just reward. An open-minded and flexible person, one willing to explore boundless horizons, will also help them reach new heights. A lover who exhibits warmth and understanding can fill a key void in Aquarius' life, and if they also embrace the beauty of sharing, the relationship could go very far. The Aquarius lover is unconventional yet innovative, a charmer who can wow a crowd and draws great strength from the partner at their side. Their cup runneth over when they are in the company of a passionate and committed soul. The mental fireworks which will surely ensue are a sight to behold!

Aquarius individuals believe in the uniqueness of their own perspective, and they are attracted to partners who share similar qualities. They seek a lover who can mirror their open-mindedness, flexibility, and innovative thinking.

For Aquarius, social interactions and the ability to make a positive impact on the world are essential. They value a partner who can support and join them in their endeavors to dazzle the masses for a good cause. A relationship with an Aquarius can be incredibly rewarding for a partner who embraces their vision and shares their passion for change.

An open-minded and adventurous spirit is highly valued by Aquarius individuals. They crave a partner who is willing to explore new horizons and push boundaries. Warmth and understanding play a crucial role in filling a void in their lives, and the beauty of sharing deepens the connection.

The Aquarius lover is unconventional, charming, and innovative. They have the ability to captivate crowds and draw strength from a passionate and committed partner. When in the company of a like-minded soul, their mental fireworks create a mesmerizing sight to behold.

Your Relationship Needs

Sun / Capricorn

What Capricorn Needs In a Relationship
The competitive streak in the Sea Goat means that they are attracted to a game that's fun and also one that they can probably win. It's likely that their sights will be fixed on someone classy and sexy and also with plenty of money and tales of success to turn heads, including theirs. The right partner is also responsive and has their feet planted firmly on the ground, as they do. If the Sea Goat's mate can both chill them out and bring them out, it could be a match made in sexy heaven. The Capricorn lover sets goals, works hard, and won't be denied. They are ambitious yet devoted, an intense (often internal) flame waiting to burn for the right person. Those lucky enough to latch on will have a winner in their midst, and a fun one at that!

Capricorn individuals have a competitive nature and are attracted to a partner who can provide a fun and exciting challenge. They seek a partner who is classy, sexy, and successful, someone who can turn heads and capture their attention.

To win the heart of a Capricorn, one must be responsive and grounded, sharing similar values and ambitions. Capricorns appreciate a partner who can balance their intense drive with a calming presence. If the partner can bring out their fun side while still respecting their hardworking nature, it can lead to a heavenly match.

Capricorn individuals are known for their goal-oriented mindset and unwavering determination. They are ambitious and devoted, and they require a partner who can understand and support their aspirations. The flame of their passion burns intensely, often internally, waiting for the right person to ignite it.

Lucky are those who can form a connection with a Capricorn, as they will have a winner by their side. Despite their dedication to their goals, Capricorn individuals are also fun-loving and adventurous, adding excitement to the relationship.

Your Relationships

Sun / Aquarius

Aquarius Relationships
The Water Bearer wanders through a myriad of relationships, searching for that one extraordinary connection that transcends the rest. Aquarians possess an inherent desire to bring pleasure to others, fueled by their altruistic and philanthropic spirit. They seek harmony and agreement in their unique, friendly, and harmonious way, an invaluable asset in navigating the ebbs and flows of partnership. A progressive nonconformist proves to be a blessing for the Water Bearer, one who respects and nourishes their need for personal space and individuality. The key to unlocking the depths of passion within Aquarius lies in connecting with a lover who creates a safe space for vulnerability. Often caught up in caring for the masses, Aquarians tend to overlook their own desires and emotions. Thus, a partner who can help the Water Bearer tap into their innermost feelings, setting aside analytical tendencies and embracing the raw intensity of emotions, unlocks a torrent of passion waiting to be released. The ideal Aquarius soulmate possesses the brilliance of an Einstein, infused with a deep and profound soul that matches the Water Bearer's boundless depths.

Your Relationships

Sun / Capricorn

Capricorn Relationships
When it comes to the realm of "us," Capricorn adheres to a simple yet compelling rule: those with wealth, power, and a semblance of success should step forward and take their place at the forefront of the relationship. A partnership with the Sea Goat is a journey that propels both individuals to newer and greater heights. The Sea Goat's pursuit of success extends to the realm of love, as they pour their unwavering dedication and effort into elevating the bond they share with the right person. Alongside stability, a touch of excitement and passion is the perfect elixir for Capricorn's heart. In an ideal relationship, the Sea Goat becomes a wellspring of love, a lover who offers their entire being to protect and nurture the object of their affections. The ideal Capricorn soulmate stands at the pinnacle of their achievements, eager to embark on a stylish ride that transcends the ordinary and transcends the boundaries of the Sea Goat's aspirations.

Your Ways of Mixing Money and Relationship

Sun / Aquarius

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Aquarius' cool and detached personality can be an advantage when it comes to doing business or operating in the public. When you don't readily show your feelings, people rarely pick on you or ask you for something you might not really be able to give. This is lucky for Aquarius, because Pisces, a sign that's not known for being able to count money down to the last penny, is in charge of Aquarius' 2nd House of Finances. This can explain why many of the quirky people born under this sign take a less-than-traditional path toward material success. When it comes to sharing the cash flow, you will always account for what is being given, and ensure your partner is putting in at least his/her 50 percent.

Your Ways of Mixing Money and Relationship

Sun / Capricorn

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
There is a good reason why so many corporate CEOs happen to be Capricorn people. This strong and practical individual will always see the best way to amass the most resources, and will stop at nothing to achieve financial goals. Before you accuse Capricorn of being selfish or greedy, remember that Aquarius -- the sign that seeks to create the greatest good for everyone -- rules Capricorn's 2nd House of Finances. Being a creature of purpose, why else would Capricorn be on a constant scavenger hunt for gold? If this doesn't convince you, watch the magnanimous spirit of Leo take over the moment Capricorn is asked to share the wealth with those in need. For the right cause, this prosperous person will display almost unparalleled generosity.

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